Dispute Resolution & Teen Court

Cumberland County Schools sincerely believes that partnerships with community agencies are essential to the success of our students, schools, and families. A partnership exists with Cumberland County Schools and the Cumberland County Dispute Resolution Center to provide alternatives for successfully resolving conflicts related to certain Student Code of Conduct offenses. Students and families can benefit from the additional support from this community agency's trained individuals and services. Various services exist and are linked on this page.
The Cumberland County Dispute Resolution Center provides an opportunity for students to participate in Teen Court to determine fair, logical, and natural consequences for student misbehavior. The intent of the program is for students to take responsibility for their actions. The Teen Court hears the case and renders a verdict that consists of a specific number of jury duties, educational seminars, and community service hours.
Contact Number: 910-486-9465
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, N.C. 28348
Phone: 910-678-2423
Fax: 910-678-2493
Dr. Melody Chalmers McClain
Associate Superintendent
Samantha Sheppard
Administrative Assistant